What Actually Happens When You Walk 10,000 Steps a Day

What Actually Happens When You Walk 10,000 Steps a Day

A while back, I decided to simplify my exercise routine. I was tired of constantly changing my workouts to keep up with the latest fitness trends on social media. Instead of spending a ton of time and money on workouts I wasn't enjoying, I wanted something that would fit easily into my day and keep me healthy. So, I turned to walking. Does walking 10,000 steps a day actually make a difference? Let's take a look.

Is Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Good?

Last spring, it felt like every health expert I heard from was talking about walking. From Dan Buettner chatting about the habits of the world’s healthiest people to Jason and Colleen Wachob discussing the benefits of daily strolls on a podcast, everyone seemed to agree that walking was important for overall wellness. While we all know exercise is good for us, many people don’t realize that simply moving more throughout the day is ✔️just as important as structured workouts. The folks living in The Blue Zones—places where people live longer and healthier lives—don’t hit the gym regularly. Instead, they move a lot throughout the day, whether it's walking to grab coffee or taking evening strolls with friends. These daily habits help them rack up high step counts, which contributes to their good health.

Why I Decided to Walk 10,000 Steps Every Day

All this talk about walking got me thinking about my own exercise routine. Were those expensive classes really the key to being healthy, or should I focus on something more sustainable? Wanting to find an exercise routine I actually enjoyed, I started walking.

How to Reach 10,000 Steps a Day

Getting in 10,000 steps might seem like a lot, but with a little planning, it's totally doable. Most days, I hit my goal by going on three 30-minute walks. I'd usually take one in the morning with my dog, another after lunch, and a third before dinner with my husband. It took some getting used to, but after a few weeks, it became as routine as brushing my teeth. A year later, I feel healthier and happier than ever.

Can Walking 10,000 Steps Help with Weight Loss?

In the past, I struggled to keep off extra weight. But since I started walking regularly, I've been able to reach a weight I feel good at and keep it off. Walking isn't as exhausting as other workouts I've tried, like CrossFit or boot camp, and I don't need any special equipment. Plus, it's easy to stick with, even when life gets busy. Research shows that sticking to a consistent routine is key for losing weight and keeping it off.

Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Boosted My Mood

Before I started walking regularly, my mood would swing up and down. But since I've been walking more, I've noticed that I'm happier overall and my low moods aren't as intense. I think a big part of this is spending more time outdoors, walking around parks and lakes in my neighborhood. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, improve mood, and even boost creativity.

Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Helped Me Sleep Better

Instead of spending my evenings in front of a screen, I started going for walks. This helped me wind down and fall asleep easier. For even better sleep, I try to do most of my walks outside. Research has found that getting sunlight during the day helps regulate your body's internal clock, which can improve the quality of your sleep.

Can Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Improve Digestion?

I've had stomach issues in the past that left me feeling bloated and uncomfortable after eating. While walking alone didn't solve all my digestive problems, it did help me feel less bloated after meals. Research shows that taking a short walk after eating can help reduce bloating, especially for people who deal with it often.

Building Stronger Relationships

With so many people feeling lonely these days, walking is a great way to connect with others. Many of my walks are spent chatting with my mom or my husband. And if I don't have anyone to walk with, I'll call up a friend I haven't talked to in a while. These conversations make me feel more connected and help strengthen my relationships.

Is Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Worth It?

For me, the answer is a definite yes. Walking 10,000 steps every day for a year has made a big difference in my life. While I don't go to as many intense workout classes as I used to, I feel healthier and happier overall. And even though I've lost a little muscle mass, I've found that shorter strength workouts are helping me maintain my strength while still hitting my step goal. Todd McCullough, the founder of TMAC Fitness, recommends getting in 10,000-12,000 steps a day and adding in three short strength-training sessions each week.

Frequently Asked Question

When will I see the results of the Weight Loss program?

It usually takes a few weeks for results to be noticeable after starting the program.

Is the weight loss program completely online?

Licensed medical providers deliver comprehensive care, including your initial visit, coaching provided by your weight loss team and ongoing medical check ins from the comfort of your home.

What can I expect after I sign up?

Access to our Lifetime Club includes  personalized weekly check ins, dedicated coaching, and nutrition guidance.

How soon will I receive my medication?

After your provider has prescribed a GLP-1 Medication, or another weight loss option, we send your prescription to a licensed compounding pharmacy. It typically takes 3-4 business days for the pharmacy to process the order which is then shipped via 2-Day shipping. Overall, most clients receive their medication within 7-10 business days from when they speak to their provider.
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