It’s Time for a Life Edit—Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide

It’s Time for a Life Edit—Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide

A few years back, I felt overwhelmed, constantly stressed, and anxious about various aspects of my life. Implementing a life edit became an annual tradition for me, bringing clarity and helping me achieve my goals. If you're seeking clarity and space for what truly matters, consider giving it a try—you won't regret it!

What is a life edit?

As a key step in manifesting your dream life, a thorough edit is intended to help you see every part of your life in its current state. Take a deep dive into all facets of your life: digital, home, finance, wellness, mental health, and social. By doing this, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to spend significant time sifting through the “clutter” and clearing space for what you want to manifest.

For me, a life edit was the missing piece that helped me lean into manifestation. While manifesting is about turning your thoughts into reality, the reality you want doesn’t simply come about by wishing for it. Instead, manifestation is a matter of intentional alignment. Essentially, you’re learning to shift your actions, beliefs, and habits to support the life you want for yourself. But of course, you can’t change what you’re not yet aware of. And that, dear readers, is where a life edit comes in.

Think of a life edit as a re-evaluation. It’s an opportunity to take stock and get a pulse on where your life is right now. The best way to clean your space is to (painstakingly) take everything out and only put back what you really want. That’s exactly what we’re doing with a life edit, but it isn’t just your physical stuff. By slowing down and observing our lives, we can see what to let go of and what we ultimately want to welcome in. The space between our dreams and reality becomes so much closer. Let’s go through the six areas you’ll focus on, plus tips and tricks to ensure you’re getting the most from your life edit.

Step 1: Reflect

  • While I tend to dive headfirst into endeavors without a clear plan, I'm learning to embrace intentional pauses. So, before diving into a life edit (which is indeed exciting), it's essential to quiet your mind and spend time journaling. Even if you're not fond of journaling, consider it as crafting a roadmap for yourself. Putting thoughts into words gives them permanence and clarity, making it easier to navigate your path forward.

In your journal, create sections for reflection on digital, home, financial, wellness, mental health, and social aspects of your life. Then, consider the following questions:

  • What do I want to enhance in each area?
  • What feels overwhelming?
  • Are there any obstacles hindering my progress?
  • What new elements do I want to introduce?
  • What can I let go of?
  • How can I cultivate a greater sense of peace?

Step 2: Accept that this will be a challenging process

Before you begin, it's important to acknowledge that this part of your life edit may take time. There's no rush, so be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process. Letting go of possessions or ending relationships can be tough, and confronting your financial reality may be unsettling.

I initially hesitated to act on my journal entries. Wanting to improve my finances, I felt ashamed seeing my spending habits. Similarly, I desired to free myself from draining relationships but feared confrontation. Remember, progress may be challenging and uncomfortable, but staying stagnant is even harder.

Step 3: Take action

Once you've reflected and journaled, choose an area to focus on first, starting with what seems easiest to build momentum. Use your journal entries as a guide to sift through this part of your life. For example, if you're tackling your digital life, clear out old texts, re-evaluate contacts, and declutter your inbox. Unsubscribe from stressful emails and assess your social media usage. Consider if there are profiles you can let go of to reduce drain. Each life edit is unique—personally, I enjoyed decluttering my apartment, especially my closet. Remember, this process can be emotional and may cause stress in some areas while bringing calm in others. What matters is feeling aligned and confident in where you're directing your focus and energy as you move forward.

I finished. Now what?

While I prefer an annual life edit, you can do it as often as you like. The goal is to recognize overwhelm and use the life edit for clarity. Though it feels great to go through the process, remember it's ongoing. Balance is elusive—we're always evolving. By seeing life editing as continuous, you can confidently shape your desired life.

As the new year approaches, resolutions flood in. It's a prime time for personal reflection and self-check-ins. If, like me, you struggle to quiet your mind, here are seven tips to mentally hit refresh and prepare for 2024.

1. Look for ways to simplify

Consider committing to a set number of appointments or decluttering clothes you don't wear to simplify life. While challenges are inevitable, focus on habits within your control. Are you striving for more margin or consistently overbooking? Intentionally cultivating balance through habits will greatly improve your quality of life.

2. Romanticize sleep

As per The Sleep Foundation, women face a 40% higher lifetime risk of insomnia compared to men, making that morning cup of coffee a necessity. Prioritize quality sleep for optimal well-being by establishing better bedtime habits. Reduce screen time before bed to unwind mentally, and craft a personalized nighttime routine. After your skincare regimen, indulge in comfortable loungewear, diffuse essential oils, and cozy up with a good book.

3. Write down the “clutter”

Journaling is a valuable tool for processing thoughts and emotions in a healthy manner. Even a few minutes of pen-to-paper or digital note-taking can provide a space to explore various feelings and challenges. Whether it's work stress or grieving a loss, writing allows for the release of emotions and beliefs held in the mind. It serves as a safe outlet to reflect on and navigate through different life seasons.

4. Make time for alone time

On weekends, I relish moments away from mom duties and work-life by visiting a local coffee shop, savoring a latte, and immersing myself in the surroundings, free from phone distractions. Dedicate specific time blocks throughout your week for activities that rejuvenate you. Stress often peaks when we neglect self-care. Whether it's a nail appointment, dental check-up, shopping trip, or solo indulgence in a croissant, prioritize activities you enjoy to nurture yourself regularly.

5. Leave the past in the past

If you experienced a tough breakup, betrayal, work challenges, or regrets this year, it's crucial to address these emotions before the new year begins. Take a moment for self-reflection by identifying these feelings and questioning any limiting beliefs they may have created. Reflect on negative impacts and consider letting go to heal and move forward. Prioritize self-care to be emotionally available for others, knowing that a new year offers a chance for renewal and pursuing emotional well-being.

6. Get active

Plenty of resources and research emphasize the significance of exercise. Personally, I'm passionate about spinning and attend classes 3-4 times a week for its mental benefits. Exercise helps clear the mind, release stagnant energy, and boosts feel-good endorphins. Whether it's walking or online yoga, prioritize movement for mental health and overall strength, both physically and mentally.

7. Do the small things right away

As a working mom with a hectic schedule, I've found a way to lighten my load by tackling tasks immediately. Instead of postponing chores like washing dishes until the next day, I make it a habit to handle them right away or at the next opportunity. Procrastination only leads to added stress and anxiety as responsibilities accumulate. Take advantage of spare moments, like five minutes before work, to complete small tasks such as making the bed or scheduling appointments. Avoid the stress of a growing to-do list by addressing tasks promptly, leaving you mentally at ease and grateful for your proactive approach.

Frequently Asked Question

When will I see the results of the Weight Loss program?

It usually takes a few weeks for results to be noticeable after starting the program.

Is the weight loss program completely online?

Licensed medical providers deliver comprehensive care, including your initial visit, coaching provided by your weight loss team and ongoing medical check ins from the comfort of your home.

What can I expect after I sign up?

Access to our Lifetime Club includes  personalized weekly check ins, dedicated coaching, and nutrition guidance.

How soon will I receive my medication?

After your provider has prescribed a GLP-1 Medication, or another weight loss option, we send your prescription to a licensed compounding pharmacy. It typically takes 3-4 business days for the pharmacy to process the order which is then shipped via 2-Day shipping. Overall, most clients receive their medication within 7-10 business days from when they speak to their provider.
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